This week’s session is about introducing us to the concept of intelligent system and the upcoming project that need to be done by the end of this course.
First of all, the concept of machine learning and artificial intelligence are often confused. The concept is about a machine (artificial) that is intelligent enough to be a part of our daily life. The purpose of it’s existence is to make our everyday life and problem solving become more easier and to improve it to be better. Some of us may deem an AI to be a terminator that could lead to the doom of humanity. However, the concept of machine learning is to train the AI to have common sense same as human to prevent that from happening.
Secondly, the process of training an AI need a lot of variable and factor that we need to know, such as the environment. It is necessary that the machines in each environment to know what they are doing and purpose for being there. And in case of something happened or appeared, they need to have the rationality and human common sense to deal the situation.
As for the upcoming project, me and my group have yet to discuss and decide about the topic that we should be making.