This week session’s is about informed search, the opposite from last week’s, and also local search. Such as A* and greedy Best First Search (BFS), and the only part that I remember from local search is the genetic algorithm.
The difference of uninformed and informed search is the availability of heuristic value. For instance, on the road, our travel distance and convenience are calculated, the heuristic value is the rate of traffic. In greedy BFS, the algorithm will only calculate base on the traffic rate and will take the lower traffic rate path. However, in A* algorithm, it will calculate both the distance and the traffic rate to reach the destination. A* algorithm will give the best solution for the result as it calculate every information that it has.
As for the genetic algorithm, it take the example of genetic mutation for survival of the fittest. It will take the best gene for survival, the same as the algorithm. It will try to find the best combination of genes that will have the best result.
For the project, we are still deciding about what kind of algorithm we should use for this project, so as of now, we are still finalizing our idea for this project and there has been no progress.