This week’s topic is about apriori. Apriori is an algorithm to find out what is the most favorite pair of bought item in a market.
This apriori algorithm will calculate from the list of bought items, which pair is bought the most. The purpose is to organize the market items order. For example, one will buy butter and bread at the same time, or maybe with milk for breakfast. The market will try to organize those things together so it will be easier for the customer to buy and pick those things.
The way to the algorithm work is quite similar to the naivebayes, however, instead of finding the probability, this is finding the pair with the most probability of people buying together. The algorithm will have to count the percentage of each item, and eliminate the one the item with less than minimum support percentage, and group them with the other item. It will loop until the last group of items do not have any with more than the minimum support percentage. After that, calculate the confidentiality of the group of item(s).