For the DVWA installation, please ready the terminal inside your kali linux. To prevent any inconvenience during the process in the terminal, type sudo su and enter your password.
To start, move your directory to /var/www/html cd /var/www/html and then download the DVWA package wget
ive/ then extract the file unzip, after that, check if the file exist in the directory or not.
Move the master content to the current directory mv DVWA-Master/* /var/www/html and then chown -R www-data:www-data
After all the installation is done, start the web server and database. service apache2 start ; service mysql start. Then check your MySQL server by mysql_secure_installation and type “Y” for every Y/n question it asked.
Check the IP Address of your kali linux by typing Ifconfig and then open your browser, in kali linux preferably use firefox, type the ip address of your kali linux to the search engine. Then, you will be directed to DVWA setup.
If you see some error or text that is red coloured, that means there is some configuration that you missed out. First, you need to set up the database for DVWA. Type mysql -u root -p -u for user -p for password, after you enter, you will be asked to enter the password that you have set earlier.
After that type:
create database [database name];
grant all privileges on [database name].* to dvwa_user@localhost identified by ‘[password]’;
flush privileges;
then quit to exit the MySQL.
After that edit the configuration in the and enter the information of the database that you just created. Refresh the tab on your browser to check if there is still any red coloured text. If not then you are good to go. Press Create/Reset Database.
After that you will see a login page, type “admin” for the username field and “password” for the password field. After you are logged in, you can see and use several tools, such as:
– Brute Force
– Command Injection
– SQL Injection
– File Upload
– et cetera