The name of our game is “Stranded”.
Made by:
- Jennifer Ihdata
- Gadiza Pribadi
- Vicky Vanessa
How to play this game is simple. You just have to read the text and press the keyboard key SPACE to proceed to the next text. When you press SPACE, the system have a counter variable which will add 1 each and every time you press ‘space. And each time a counter increase, it will trigger to the appearance of a new text.
(sorry for the low resolution picture)
This is the starting menu of our game, press START to get directly to our story!
And a help page to guide you through our game if you press HELP
This is the example and a part of our story line and the example of the choices in the story line. Make sure to read and think carefully of what you want to choose! Don’t regret it…
There is a help page from the menu to give you the visual of the character and the introduction to the game!
Make sure to enjoy the game!
For the team member role contribution, Vicky made the initial layout of the game, while Gadiza made the script and story plot of the game, and Jennifer is adding the script into the game.
Resource & Reference: