Database Project Report

Table of Content

Problem Description

The use of paper work in managing this system can be challenging. Human errors and the lack of integrity can occur. Not to mention the large amount of time consumed. Designing this system could alleviate the inefficiency that occasionally arose when using manual method. It provides uncomplicated methods in handling the employees that still maintains its privacy.
The purpose of this database is to manage and see the details of employees in a company. This database will contain employee details such as department, which branch do they work in, etc. Hence this database will make it easier to keep track of employees and makes managing employees more efficient.


Brenda Spears

In this project, I was assigned to create and design the user interface using Java Swing. I also contributed in designing and making further changes in the ERD and the normalization table. Adding to that, I also helped in creating the database.

Kotrakona Harinatha Sreeya Reddy

My contribution to this project was to design and make the functions that will be used in the database. For example, addAdmin, checkadmin, deleteDepartment and updateEmployee are few of those functions. I also worked to optimise these functions to suit the database. I also helped contribute to making the queries that are used in the database.

Vicky Vanessa

My contribution in this project are to design the initial ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) for the project and then help with further changes in the ERD as discussed as well as making the database. Moreover, I provided the query that are used in the functions of the codes. I also helped with and provide further improvement for some of the code used for the function and user interfaces. Also, help with the initial design of the user interface and help to code it.

Database Design

Entity Relationship Diagram


admin(username, password)

branch(branch_id, branch_address, branch_city)

  • PRIMARY KEY (branch_id)

department(department_id, department_name, branch_id)

  • PRIMARY KEY (department_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (branch_id) REFERENCES branch(branch_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

job(job_id, job_name, min_salary, department_id)

  • PRIMARY KEY (job_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES department(department_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

history(employee_id, hire_date, end_date, job_id)

  • PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES job(job_id)

employee(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, job_id, salary)

  • PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES history(employee_id)


p {font-family: Courier; color: #D3D3D3}

Sample Queries

Show all Employees

SELECT employee.employee_id, employee.first_name, employee.last_name,, employee.phone_number, job.job_name, employee.salary, department.department_name, branch.branch_address, branch.branch_city FROM employee INNER JOIN department ON department.department_id = employee.department_id INNER JOIN branch ON department.branch_id = branch.branch_id INNER JOIN job ON job.job_id = employee.job_id INNER JOIN history ON employee.employee_id = history.employee_id WHERE history.end_date is null ORDER BY employee.employee_id DESC

Delete Branch

DELETE FROM branch WHERE branch_id = ?

Insert into Department

INSERT INTO department(department_name, branch_id) VALUES(?,?)

Update employee who want to quit(stop working)

UPDATE history set end_date = CURDATE() WHERE employee_id = ?

Add Department

INSERT INTO department(department_name, branch_id) VALUES(?,?)

User Interface

LogIn Page
View of the Employee
Form for adding new Employee
Search function
Admin Page


My contributions in this project are to design the initial ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) for the project, and then help with further changes in the ERD as discussed. And making the database. Moreover, I provide the query that are used in the functions of the codes. I also helped with and provide further improvement for some of the code used for the functions and user interfaces. Also, help with the initial design for the user interface and help to code it.

Database Project Proposal

Project Details:

Project name:

Employee Management System

Group member:

  • Brenda Spears
  • Sreeya Reddy
  • Vicky Vanessa

Problem Statement:

This database is to manage employees in a company. A company have different kind of departments, branches, etc. So we are trying to make a database that will make it easier for them to keep track of their employees.
Using database is much more efficient than traditional file system. A big company might have thousands of employees, and to keep in a traditional file system will make it hard for employers to keep track of their employees. In addition, big companies might have a branch company that they also need to keep track of. Having a database system to help manage their employees will be much more efficient.
We plan to use MySQL for the database and java as the base language for the user interface.

Target User:

  • Employers

List of Relation:

Our Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) will look something like the picture below, we might update it at a later time.

Multimedia Project Help

This game is a text based game, so how to play the game is simple! You just need to read the narration text and the conversation between the player until it finish, and then press ‘SPACE” which is pretty easy! Eventually you will meet choices in one of those conversation, you just need to press the choice which you think is the right choice to choose.

All your choices will affect the story development, so please choose carefully!

Multimedia Project Guide

The name of our game is “Stranded”.
Made by:

  • Jennifer Ihdata
  • Gadiza Pribadi
  • Vicky Vanessa

How to play this game is simple. You just have to read the text and press the keyboard key SPACE to proceed to the next text. When you press SPACE, the system have a counter variable which will add 1 each and every time you press ‘space. And each time a counter increase, it will trigger to the appearance of a new text.

(sorry for the low resolution picture)
Menu Page
This is the starting menu of our game, press START to get directly to our story!
And a help page to guide you through our game if you press HELP
Story line example
This is the example and a part of our story line and the example of the choices in the story line. Make sure to read and think carefully of what you want to choose! Don’t regret it…
Help Page
There is a help page from the menu to give you the visual of the character and the introduction to the game!
Make sure to enjoy the game!

For the team member role contribution, Vicky made the initial layout of the game, while Gadiza made the script and story plot of the game, and Jennifer is adding the script into the game.

Resource & Reference:

Multimedia Project Proposal

Group member:

  • Gadiza 2201798452
  • Jennifer 2201798774
  • Vicky

As the theme for the game of this project is something related to empathy, the game our group are planning to make is something along a choice making game. The kind of choice this game going to be is choices that can change the role of the character in the game. The graphic we are planning to make for this game is not a complex one, it is just a text based game. However, we are going to focus more on the plot and content of the game.